Transition to Retirement Pilot evaluation report


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The final evaluation report of the Transition to Retirement Pilot has now been released.

The report presents the findings of an independent evaluation of a small-scale pilot, which explored the ability of Australian Disability Enterprises to prepare employees for retirement and the willingness of mainstream community groups and services to support this process.

Pilot activities expanded on findings of previous research undertaken on FAHCSIA’s behalf by the Social Policy Research Centre (see Occasional Paper No. 27 ), which predicted that by 2023 close to 50 per cent of the ADE workforce will be aged 50 years and over

FaHCSIA worked with State and Territory Governments in Victoria, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory as part of the implementation of the pilot. The core philosophy of this work is that older employees with a disability should have the same opportunities to retire and enjoy a meaningful life after work as other Australians.


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