The Common Approach

The Common Approach is an evidence-based, prevention-focused, and flexible way of working to help everyone have quality conversations with young people and their families about all aspects of their wellbeing. These aspects fall into six wellbeing areas: Valued, Loved and Safe, Healthy, Participating, Positive Sense of Culture and Identity, Material Basics, and Learning.

It supports those working with children, young people and families to work in a strengths-based, child centred, holistic and collaborative way. See the Common Approach brochure for more information. 


How can I adopt The Common Approach®?

Training from the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) is required to implement The Common Approach and to access The Common Approach resources. The Common Approach blended learning course involves self-paced eLearning modules which take approximately three hours to complete followed by a 90-minute online workshop. A suite of hard copy resources is provided as part of the course. 

Please visit the ARACY website to register for the blended learning course or contact ARACY via email


Common Approach to Assessment, Referral and Support

The Common Approach® was originally developed by ARACY, with support from the Australian Government under the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children.

The Common Approach Taskforce made a significant contribution to the development of the approach. The Taskforce included expert representatives from a range of professions working with children and youth, as well as representatives from the Australian federal, state and territory governments.

Providers are encouraged to use The Common Approach in service design and delivery. Using The Common Approach has been demonstrated to provide a consistent, shared language and to increase positive relationships between client and service provider. Importantly, The Common Approach has been shown to decrease the time needed to discover root causes of behaviour and issues. 

The Common Approach wellbeing wheel is one of the 10 Common Approach resources that enables service providers to be more consistent in their approach. The wellbeing wheel is a conversation enabler, not an assessment, screening or outcomes tool. The Common Approach can be used in combination with tools and resources already in use. 

The Common Approach assists practitioners to work with children, young people and their families to identify their needs across the following six life domains:

  1. Material Basics
  2. Valued, Loved and Safe
  3. Healthy
  4. Learning
  5. Participating
  6. Positive Sense of Identity and Culture.

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