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Showing 97 to 108 of 166 results

Disability Reform Ministerial Council Meeting – 23 June 2023

Commonwealth, State and Territory Disability Ministers met on 23 June 2023 in Canberra.

Australian delegates with disability attend the 16th United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (COSP16)

COSP16 from 13-15 June 2023 is the most significant and diverse meeting of people with disability in the world.

Budget 2023-24

The 2023-24 Budget was released on 9 May 2023.

Helping young carers reach their education goals

Minister for Social Services Amanda Rishworth announces around $10 million in extra funding to help young carers continue their education.

Disability Reform Ministerial Council Meeting – 21 April 2023

Commonwealth, State and Territory Disability Ministers met on 21 April 2023 in Brisbane with the Hon Amanda Rishworth MP attending online.

Recognising Youth Homelessness Matters Day 2023

Youth Homelessness Matters Day highlights the resilience of young people affected by homelessness.

10th Anniversary of the National Apology for Forced Adoptions, 21 March 2013

Tuesday 21 March marked the 10th anniversary of the National Apology for Forced Adoptions.

Start your graduate career with DSS

Do you know someone considering their career options? Are they curious, inquisitive and have a passion for learning?
Picture of the Happy international Women’s day

Recognising International Women’s Day 2023

International Women’s Day is an annual celebration on 8 March to commemorate the cultural, political and socioeconomic achievements of women.

Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework annual report released

The first annual report on Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework is now available.

Helping carers reach their work goals

Minister for Social Services Amanda Rishworth announces $2.55 million in additional funding to extend the Your Caring Way pilot program

Disability Reform Ministerial Council Meeting - 10 February 2023

Commonwealth, state and territory Disability Ministers met on 10 February 2023.

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