Disability Royal Commission Taskforce
The Government has established the Disability Royal Commission Tasforce to coordinate its response to the final report and recommendations.

The final report of the Royal Commission into Violence Abuse Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disabilitywas released on 29 September 2023.
When welcoming the report’s release, Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth and National Disability Insurance Scheme and Government Services Minister Bill Shorten announced that a Commonwealth Disability Royal Commission Taskforce would be established to coordinate the Government’s response.
We are leading the Taskforce.
The Australian Government is committed to working with people with disability to create a safer, more inclusive Australia.
Hello, I’m Amanda Rishworth, Minister for Social Services.
I’d like to thank you for taking the time to be part of our stakeholder consultations.
I also thank and acknowledge the disability community for fighting for the Disability Royal Commission, and for sharing their experiences and stories.
Their contributions have already made a difference and led to change.
The Royal Commission enabled us as a nation to better understand what needs to change to prevent violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with disability.
There’s no doubt the evidence presented is deeply confronting.
The Final Report outlines how services, systems, institutions, governments and the community let down people with disability.
And shows how, as a nation, we must do better.
I said at the time the report was tabled that our Government will carefully consider the Disability Royal Commission’s 222 recommendations.
And work collaboratively to consider and progress the necessary reforms to make Australia safe and inclusive for people with disability.
And these consultations are part of fulfilling that promise.
We very much welcome your feedback and comments on the Disability Royal Commission final report.
You can share your own views about the Royal Commission’s recommendations, or provide feedback on behalf of someone else.
For more information on how to have your say, please visit engage.dss.gov.au and subscribe for updates.
This is one of the many ways we will be engaging and consulting with the community as we consider the final report recommendations.
Thank you for working with us to create a safer, more inclusive Australia for all people with disability.
Public consultation about the recommendations of the Disability Royal Commission is now open. You can now have your say by letting us know which recommendations are most important to you and why.
We particularly want to hear from people with disability, but anyone in the community, including individuals and organisations can provide feedback.
Your feedback is important and will inform the Australian Government’s response to the Disability Royal Commission’s final report.
Consultation is open until Friday 19 January 2024.