Disability Representative Organisations

What is the Disability Representative Organisations (DRO) program

The DRO program provides the opportunity for people with disability, and their representative organisations, to have their views communicated to the Australian Government. This is regardless of type of disability, gender, cultural background, age or membership.

Organisations funded under the DRO program communicate with the Australian Government. This is to ensure that disability issues and a diversity of voices are represented in:

  • decision-making
  • legislation
  • policy development 
  • implementation of programs and policies that may affect people with disability.

How do DROs provide systemic disability advocacy

Through the 2022-23 October Budget, the Government doubled existing support for systemic disability advocacy, to increase annual funding from $2.6 million per year to over $5.2 million per year.

This funding enables organisations to provide systemic advocacy for Australians with disability to:

  • promote an understanding of the lives of people with disability
  • promote and protect the rights and dignity of people with disability
  • foster support for the participation of people with disability in all aspects of community life.

The funded organisations provide advice to the Government on breaking down barriers and improving social and economic participation.

They also engage with a range of ministers and portfolios.

Which organisations are funded under the DRO program

In 2023-24 a targeted selection process was undertaken resulting in the following organisations being funded under the DRO program from 1 July 2024 until 30 June 2026: Details on funded organisations are available on the Community Grants Hub website.

To find out more about the DROs you can visit their websites:

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