Local support for children and families

The Children and Family Intensive Support program helps families in selected communities in Northern Territory and Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands in South Australia.

About the Children and Family Intensive Support program

This program provides services that build on the strengths of families and communities. The services help people care for children within their own culture. It helps families get services they might need. It also helps improve the safety and wellbeing of children. It supports parents and family members to develop their confidence and capability to bring up strong children. 


The program is available to children or young people aged 0-18 years and their families.

The program’s services are tailored to meet the needs of a community and are:

  • evidence-informed
  • locally adapted
  • trauma-informed
  • culturally appropriate.

The program acknowledges extended family and kinship systems. It also respects the cultural beliefs and concepts of childhood, family and community whilst focussing on the best interests of the child.

The program is available for families in the Northern Territory and Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands.


The Families and Children Activity funds this program through a grants process.

Grants agreements for this program were finalised in 2021–22.

Guidelines, plans and reporting

Service providers must follow a set of guidelines. They must also submit plans and progress reports.

The Families and Children Activity Outcomes Framework outlines the key outcomes funded programs and services need to achieve.

Operational guidelines

The operational guidelines help providers to work in a consistent, coordinated and cooperative way.

The guidelines explain how to deliver services and provides answers to common questions. The guidelines also provide information about how to report critical incidents.

Read the Operational Guidelines for Children and Family Intensive Support.

Activity work plans

Service providers must submit Activity Work Plans and reports. The requirements are set out in the grant agreement.

The Activity Work Plan guidance document and template helps providers complete their plan.


These resources and tools help Children and Family Intensive Support providers.

Capacity building tools

Modules and tools to assist Children and Family Intensive Support service providers.

For providers
These capacity-building tools are available for CaFIS providers to embed good practice into service delivery. Overarching guidance.
Module 6
Reporting and outcomes measurement.

Evaluation of IFSS

We engaged Social Compass to undertake an independent evaluation of IFSS.

The evaluation and the Productivity Commission 2020 Report into the Expenditure on Children in the Northern Territory helped inform the development of CaFIS.

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DSS2364 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/2364