Departmental FOI Disclosure Log
Under Part II of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), the department is required to publish a disclosure log on the department’s website. The disclosure log contains information which has been released in response to an FOI request.
FOI documentation can be provided by emailing and quoting the relevant reference.
Information in our disclosure log will generally be removed after 12 months.
Learn more about how to make an FOI request.
See accessibility for information about downloading and viewing PDF files. Contact for an alternative format of any of these documents.
FOI Reference No. | Date of access | FOI Request | Documents |
FOI 2122-026 |
FOI 2122-054 |
Within the context of NDIS Respiratory Supports: All standards, protocols, reports and other documents produced by the Working Group since its inception (including draft documents) relating to respiratory supports. |
FOI 2122-049 |
DSS Payment Recipients by payment type at an SA1 level - across all attributes, for the report as at 24 September 2021 Please send an email to and quote reference FOI 2122-049 to request a copy of this document. |
FOI 2122-048 |
Policy documents that discuss prior payments in relation to a redress determination. Policy documents on ineligible predetermination process. Policy documents on the statement of reasons for ineligibility. Policy documents on the revocation process. |
FOI 2021-111 |
Additional policy research undertaken with Boston Consulting Group in relation to the improvement of the Disability Employment Services program. |
FOI 2122-035 |
Correspondence between 6 January 2010 and 30 June 2013 regarding the Commonwealth Funding Agreement for Mixed Capital Works and non-Capital Works between the Commonwealth of Australia (via FaHCSIA) and the South Burnett Regional Council. |
FOI 2122-042 |
Data and statistics in relation to the National Redress Scheme and Indigenous versus non-Indigenous applicants. |
FOI 2122-015 |
access to all ministerial briefs that:
FOI 2122-029 |
"...any briefings to/from the Chief Operating Officer regarding the historical underpayments of Research Administration Officers and Public Affairs Officers within the Department." |
FOI 2122-010 |
The department’s work from home policy. |
FOI 2122-008 |
Any document with the number of on-going NDIS external review clients supported by DSS-funded appeals advocates in 2019-20 financial year Any document with the number of on-going NDIS external review clients supported by DSS-funded appeals advocates in 2020-21 financial year |
FOI 2021-084 |
I am undertaking a research project Regulation and Governance for Indigenous Welfare: Poverty Surveillance and its Alternatives (DE180100599). As part of this research, I am analysing regulation and governance issues with the Cashless Debit Card. I note that the 2018 Australian National Audit Office report on the CDC refers to CDC risk plans and risk management plans, and I request a copy of these plans under the FOI legislation to better inform my research on the CDC. |
FOI 2021-097 |
I request a copy of the briefing document, and any supporting documents/attachments, provided to the decision maker/s to approve the $36 million to support disability employment and community participation under the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grants program announced on 13 April 2021. |
FOI 2021-090 |
In relation to the Department’s contract with the Boston Consulting Group as amended on 18 August 2020 (CN3676568-A2), the Department has told Senate Estimates that Boston Consulting Group provided:
In relation to the ESAt review, I note that on 28 October at Senate Estimates, official Catherine Rule stated that the report was “not secret”. In relation to the mid-term review, I note the secretary of the department told Estimates on 29 October it “wasn’t a report to government”. I request:
FOI 2021-063 |
Please provide us with a copy of:
FOI 2021-070 |
Any documents, specifically ministerial/executive briefing notes, advice and email attachments as well as correspondence mentioning, discussing or deliberating over changes in considerations for Home Based Work applications since the APSC circular was issued in November 2020. Please limit this search to documents or correspondence between the Minister for Families and Social Services, Senator Anne Ruston, or staff within their office or staff acting on their behalf and the Social Services secretary, Kathryn Campbell, or staff acting on behalf of the secretary as well as senior executive level staff within the Department of Social Services. Additionally, I request documents reflecting the number of Home Based Work applications submitted by employees since 1 November 2020, including details on how many have been approved, rejected or are still being processed. I request details on the processing times and reasons given by the department for Home Back Work rejections. I also request details on how many applicants have appealed department decisions where a Home Based Work application was rejected and how many of those were later approved upon appeal. The range of all the above search requests should be limited to documents created since 1 November 2020 and 25 February 2021 (today's date). |
FOI 2021-064 |
Documents held by you and your office relating to the decision to introduce Independent functional assessments to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) announced on 28 August 2020 in response to the review of the NDIS Act by David Tune AO PSM. Specifically, my request encompasses:
FOI 2021-064 |
FOI 2122-034 |
Stronger Places Stronger People |
FOI 2021-055 |
… seek information regarding the "Disability Employment Services Privacy Consent Form V1.3"… In particular I seek the following information either in the "Deed", internal Departmental documents and or in any guidelines / directives to JobActive/DES providers for the period of the current Deed 1/7/2018 until the present.
I also seek a copy/copies of any previous Disability Employment Services Privacy Consent Forms for the period 1St July 2018 until the introduction of Version 3.1 (9/03/2020) |
FOI 2021-034 |
…any document/s, policy, procedure, guidance note etc, either paper or electronic, that outlines, clarifies etc:
How support pursuant to the ICSS is impacted if the care recipient is also eligible for supports elsewhere, eg Under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) or MyAged Care Commonwealth Home Support Program or Home Care package |
FOI 2021-028 |
Tender documentation (including the approach to market, contract specification requirements and the final contract) in relation to the contract with N2N Communications for $878,735 commencing on 26 August 2020 (Austender Contract Notice CN3710563) |
FOI 2021-032 |
I request please DSS document No. EF20/7543 |
FOI 2021-030 |
I request please DSS document No. EF20/13299 |
FOI 2021-011 |
‘… all documents held by the Department of Social Services that relate to the use of "income averaging" by DSS, Services Australia, the Department of Human Services, or Centrelink, to finalise welfare debts in either the 1990s or the 1980s. To be clear, I am not seeking documents created in the 1990s or 1980s. I am seeking documents which relate to inquiries that the department has recently about the use of income-averaging dating back to the 1990s or 1980s. The documents could likely include correspondence between departmental staff relating to requests for investigations into the potential use of income averaging dating back to the 1990s, or 1980s, and the subsequent findings of these investigations in whatever form they may take. As a result, please confine my request to documents that were created after 1 July 2019.’ |
2021-M001 |
“…all correspondence, by email, text message or WhatsApp, between the Minister and the Minister's office and APM including its chief executive Michael Anghie sent this year. I am also after all correspondence (email, text message or WhatsApp) between Minister Ruston and Minister Roberts about the JobActive fee change” |
2021-004 |
I request a list of all entities which received work from the Department under the National Indigenous Procurement Policy in the 2019-20 financial year. |
2021-002 |
“I kindly request a copy of the document/s, paper or electronic, that outline:
FOI Request 2021-002 Documents
19/20-145 |
...the funding agreement for the years 2017-2020 and 2020-2022 for the DDS- NDIS Appeals between the Department of Social Services and Side by Side Advocacy Inc |
19/20-114 |
Data on the Student Start-Up Loan - for each of 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19 – total amount lent and estimated fair value of lending for each of those years. As of 30 June 2019, the total amount lent for Student Start-Up loans and current fair value. The Australian Government Actuary Report on the Student Start-Up loan mentioned on page 157 of the DSS Annual Report 2018-19. |
19/20-115 |
I seek access to the issue frequency analysis document. |
19/20-080 |
19/20-009 |
a) A document created and/or compiled by DSS between May 18 2019 and June 30 2019 (inclusive of both dates) prepared at the request of and/or prepared for and/or delivered to the Minister for the NDIS and/or the Office of the Minister for the NDIS outlining and/or detailing and/or explaining and/or reviewing the status of the NDIS. b) Any other “brief” and/or “submission” and/or PDF and/or word document of more than 10 pages in length created and/or compiled by DSS between May 18 2019 and June 30 2019 (inclusive of both dates) prepared at the request of and/or prepared for and/or delivered to the Minister for the NDIS and/or the Office of the Minister for the NDIS about the NDIS. |
19/20-046 |
I request:
My understanding is that this information is collected by DSS in relation to the Cashless Debit Card program. |
19/20-073 |
The annual number of DSP recipients from 1992 and number of DSP recipients for each state and territory from 1992. The annual number of NSA recipients - who have a disability - from 1992 and number of NSA recipients - who have a disability - for each state and territory from 1992. |
19/20-065 |
The Department’s Freedom of Information business rules, guidelines, manuals and templates |
19/20-066 |
19/20-053 |
… the policy under which the in-kind funding aspect of the coag bilateral agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and Victoria on the NDIS was considered necessary… |
19/20-042 |
19/20-022 |
File EF18/47804 Social Welfare Services – Grant Administration- Funding (Non-government Organisations NGO) - 018-2583 - Support for Trafficked People Program Trial for Forced Marriage Victims - Agreement Creation - Final Documents. |
19/20-028 |
Item 1: the most recent breakdown of customer spending, by category and amount; and Item 2: the most recent analysis of spending habits in relation to the Cashless Debit Card. |
19/20-026 |
…all correspondence between the department and Minister Ruston’s office related to the timing of release of the DSS Payment Demographic Data. |
19/20-015 |
"…modelling since May 18, 2019 relating to options to make the deeming rate more generous. I am particularly interested in any material that shows the distribution of the winners under the reforms. That is which proportion of retirees get over $500 and what is average benefit eligible retirees receive." |
19/20-008 |
- any minutes from any meetings between NOW Australia and DSS |
19/20-010 |
All email correspondence between the minister's office and the department and internally within the department regarding Samantha Maiden's media inquiry relating to the deeming rate. |
19/20-002 |
I am seeking:
18/19-120 |
‘…the number of annual bookings made for the National Auslan Interpreter Booking and Payment Service (NABS) in South Australia only. NABS is currently contracted out to Wesley Mission Queensland. I require statistics going back 5 years. I also require statistics to be broken down into NDIS-funded assignments and non-NDIS-funded assignments. |
18/19-121 |
Portions of the incoming government brief prepared for the Minister for Families and Social Services following the 2019 federal election that relate to: 1. the Community Development Program 2. the Cashless Debit Card 3. Income Management in the Northern Territory 4. the Targeted Compliance Framework 5. the Parentsnext Program |
18/19-110 |
Documents containing the data compilation of interest rates from the various sources included in continuous monitoring of the financial markets and the application of a mathematical procedure to determine the appropriate deeming rate. Please limit these documents to those relating to the previous four changes in deeming rates. |
18/19-094 |
1. Any documents of the analysis conducted or commissioned by the Department of Social Service to inform the design of, or in relation to the impact of, the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Defined Benefit Income Streams) Act 2015; 2. Any correspondence or memos between the Department of Social Service and the Office of the Minister for Social Service in 2014 and 2015 relating to the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Defined Benefit Income Streams) Act 2015; and 3. Any documents that have analysed the impact of the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Defined Benefit Income Streams) Act 2015 since it came into force. |
18/19-102 |
Herewith I request the final report, or a similar document which ISS made regarding the $516,000 AUD received from the Department. |