ازرگی (Hazaragi) translated Family Safety Pack documents
- خشونتِ خانگی و خشونت بله عیال (Domestic and family violence) [208.3 kB]
- تجاوز جنسی (Sexual assault) [206 kB]
- ازدواج اجباری و ازدواج زیر سن (Forced and early marriage) [180.2 kB]
- خشونتِ خانگی و ویزه همسری (Family violence and partner visas) [205.8 kB]
- سوء استفاده از جیهزیه یا بغچه (Dowry abuse) [212.3 kB]
- ختنه یا قطع کدو ن عضو تناسلی زن (Female genital mutilation and cutting) [175.7 kB]
- خشونتِ خانگی و خشونت بله عیال ده جوامع LGBTIQ (LGBTIQ relationships) [217.5 kB]
- قاچاق انسان و برده گیری (Trafficking and slavery) [246.6 kB]
- خشونتِ خانگی و بله عیال (Domestic and Family Violence storyboard) [419.4 kB]
The Australian Government has developed a family safety pack for men and women coming to Australia. It includes information on Australia’s laws regarding domestic and family violence, sexual assault and forced marriage, and a woman’s right to be safe.
The pack includes eight factsheets on the following topics:
- domestic and family violence
- sexual assault
- forced and early marriage
- family violence and partner visas
- dowry abuse
- female genital mutilation and cutting
- LGBTIQ relationships
- trafficking and slavery.
The pack also includes a low literacy storyboard.
Anyone accessing the pack is encouraged to share it with their community, organisation or family.
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