About this resource

Aim of publication

This publication presents the National Standards for Out-of-Home Care and explains how each standard will be measured and reported on.  This is a Priority Project under the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009–2020 (the National Framework).

Who is it for?

This report is for policy makers, service providers supporting out-of-home care and interested stakeholders.

What does it cover?

The National Standards seek to drive improvements in the quality of care so that children and young people in out-of-home care have the same opportunities as other children and young people to reach their potential in life wherever they live in Australia.

The National Standards focus on those children and young people whose care arrangements have been ordered by the Children's Court, where the parental responsibility for the child or young person has been transferred to the Minister/Chief Executive.

The National Standards are designed to improve the outcomes and experiences for children and young people by focusing on the key areas that directly influence positive outcomes.  These are: health; education; care planning; connection to family; culture and community; transition from care; training and support for carers; belonging and identity, and safety, stability and security.

A schedule of national measurement and reporting arrangements for the National Standards is included.

Resource details

Date published: 1 Jul 2011
Last updated: 22 Jan 2025

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DSS1058 | Permalink: www.dss.gov.au/node/1058