Contact details for more information  

Contacting Centrelink

Information about the changes to the pension system is available from the Services Australia website. People wanting to talk to someone about how these changes may affect them can call the Services Australia retirement line on 13 2300.

People can also ask to talk, free of charge, to a Financial Information Service officer about options with their savings, investments and related arrangements by calling 13 2300.

Retirement 13 2300
Disability and Carers
Ask at a Services Australia Customer Service Centre
13 2717
Financial Information Service 13 2300
Services Australia International Services 13 1673
Looking for work 13 2850
Parent or guardian 13 6150
To speak to Services Australia in languages other than English 13 1202

Contacting Veterans’ Affairs

Most changes to the pension system also apply to Veteran pensioners who receive the Veterans’ Service Pension and Income Support Supplement. However the qualifying age for Veterans’ Service Pension is not being increased. Visit or call 1300 307 901 for more information.

Pensioners outside Australia

If a pensioner resides outside Australia, arrangements will be different. More information about these changes is available from Services Australia or contact Services Australia International Services on 13 1673.

Last updated: