National Rental Affordability Scheme

How to apply for an NRAS property

Information for prospective tenants looking to apply for NRAS properties including contact lists of housing providers in each state and territory

About NRAS

General information on NRAS for tenants, approved participants and investors

Living in an NRAS property

Information for tenant eligibility and moving from one NRAS property to another NRAS property

Management and compliance of NRAS dwellings

Information on NRAS incentives, Statements of Compliance requirements and NRAS performance reporting for approved participants and investors

NRAS portal

Information, Quick Reference Guide's, and a link to the NRAS portal for approved participants

NRAS resources

NRAS approved forms and fact sheets for approved participants and tenancy managers

The National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS or the Scheme) is an Australian Government initiative that aims to increase the supply of affordable rental dwellings.

NRAS, which commenced in 2008, provides an annual financial incentive for up to 10 years to approved participants who rent dwellings to eligible people on low to moderate incomes at a rate at least 20 per cent below market rent. NRAS dwellings are not social housing–they are affordable private rental homes.

The Department of Social Services (the Department) manages and administers NRAS in partnership with state and territory governments.

The department’s responsibilities include:

  • administer the NRAS legislative framework

  • process statements of compliance for rental dwellings and calculate and distribute financial incentives, including issuing cash incentives

  • make decisions on the transfer of NRAS dwellings between approved participants or to another rental dwelling

  • publish and maintain guidelines for NRAS stakeholders, including guidance on regulatory and administrative requirements

NRAS latest news 17 July 2024

Payments processing update 2023 - 2024


Ready for assessment


Number of approved participants



Number of incentives



To date 74 approved participants submitted 19,852 Statements of Compliance (SOCs). As at 17 July 2024, the SOCs for 24 approved participants have been assessed and paid, in total or in part, resulting in 5,854 incentives issued.

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