Past Adoption Experiences
Aim of publication
In June 2010 Commonwealth and state and territory Community and Disability Services Ministers agreed to a joint national research study into past adoption practices to be conducted by the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS).
The aim of the study was to strengthen the evidence base available to governments when developing policies and programs that support the current needs of individuals affected by past adoption practices and aid in the healing process.
The final report of this study was released on 17 August 2012.
Who is it for?
The 18-month long study was informed by a survey of over 1500 people affected by past adoption practices and over 60 service providers. This information was also supplemented by over 40 focus groups or follow up interviews.
This study is relevant for policy makers, organisations and service providers supporting people affected by past adoption experiences, as well as interested stakeholders.
What does it cover?
This report forms an important part of telling the story across Australia about the experiences of past adoption practices and will assist in the development of appropriate support and service responses.
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