Resources & Submissions
The Department of Social Services (the department) provides submissions to parliamentary inquiries into housing and home ownership matters.
The Department also maintains a list of housing resources and housing related sites. Links to the submissions, resources and related sites are available below.
Submissions to Parliamentary Inquiries
House of Representatives Inquiry into homelessness in Australia
On 11 February 2020, the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs resolved to conduct an inquiry into homelessness in Australia.
The Department provided its submission (submission 57) and supplementary submissions (submission 57.1, 57.2, 57.3, 57.4 and 57.5) to the inquiry on 11 June 2020.
House of Representatives Inquiry into Home Ownership
On 13 May 2015, it was announced that the House of Representatives Economics Committee would conduct an inquiry into home ownership.
The Department provided its submission (submission 28) and supplementary submission (submission 28.1) to the inquiry on 26 June 2015.
Senate Inquiry into Affordable Housing
On 12 December 2013, the Senate referred an inquiry into affordable housing to the Senate Economics References Committee for inquiry and report on affordable housing.
The Department provided its submission (submission 198) to the inquiry on 4 April 2014.
The Committee presented its final report, ‘Out of reach? The Australian housing affordability challenge’, on 8 May 2015.
Housing resources
Information on support available to individuals during difficult times including confidential counselling, support and information, as well as assistance with the payment of rent and other bills.
State and territory government housing sites
Although the Australian Government provides the states and territories with around $1.6 billion each year, under the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement, and in 2020-21, around $5.5 billion in Commonwealth Rent Assistance to eligible income support and FTB recipients. The primary responsibility for housing assistance, including public housing, rests with state and territory governments.
Information on housing assistance provided by housing authorities in each state and territory can be found via the telephone numbers and websites listed below. Please note that calls made from mobile phones may incur additional costs.
ACT | Housing and Community Services ACT | 13 3427 |
NSW | Housing NSW | 1800 422 322 |
NT | Department of Housing | (08) 8999 8571 |
QLD | Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy | 13 74 68 |
SA | Housing SA | 13 1299 |
TAS | Tasmania - Communities Tasmania Housing | 1300 665 663 |
VIC | Department of Human Services | 1300 650 172 |
WA | Department of Housing | (08) 9222 4666 |
Homelessness resources
ACT | OneLink | 1800 176 468 |
NSW | Link2Home | 1800 152 152 |
NT | ShelterMe | |
QLD | Homelessness Persons Information | 1800 474 753 |
SA | Emergency Shelter and homelessness | 1800 003 308 |
TAS | Tasmania- Communities Tasmania Housing | 1800 800 588 |
VIC | Crisis and emergency accommodation | 1800 825 955 |
WA | Homelessness Advisory Service | 1800 065 892 |
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