Hobart City Deal: Improving Social Housing Outcomes

The Australian Government provided $30 million to 3 local community-housing providers in Tasmania. The funding delivered 134 new social and affordable dwellings in Greater Hobart, with all dwellings completed by 30 June 2023.

These dwellings offer long-term housing of 30 years to those on the Tasmanian social housing priority list. The tenants include:

  • elderly people
  • those leaving family violence
  • people at risk of homelessness
  • people with a disability.

Designed to accommodate the needs of the occupants, the dwellings meet the Liveable Housing Australia Sliver Standard.

If you are a grant recipient under the Hobart City Deal: Improving Social Housing Outcomes, information on the designated use period and reporting templates can be found on the Designated Use Annual Reporting page.

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