Groups, councils and committees

Our groups, councils and committees provide ways for people and organisations to help us develop policies and provide advice on specific issues.

  • Australia’s Disability Strategy Advisory Council
    The Advisory Council’s role is to advise Australian governments and disability ministers on the implementation of Australia’s Disability Strategy.
  • Blueprint Expert Advisory Group (BERG)
    An advisory group established to create a sector led not for profit Blueprint to provide the not for profit and charities sector with support and strategic direction.
  • Child Support Stakeholder Consultation Group
    An advisory group to Government on the Child Support Scheme to help achieve better outcomes for separated and separating families.
  • Community Services Advisory Group
    A key community sector stakeholder engagement group on issues relating to the department’s policies and programs.
  • Disability Reform Ministerial Council
    The Ministerial Council provides advice about how to improve disability policy and implementation through Australia's Disability Strategy (ADS) and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
  • Early Years Strategy Advisory Panel
    An expert 14-member Early Years Strategy Advisory Panel was established to provide advice to Government to inform the development of the Strategy. Members of the Advisory Panel work collaboratively to share their insights and expertise on how to best support children and families in the early years.
  • Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee
    Provides independent advice to Government before each Budget on economic inclusion and tackling disadvantage.
  • Forced Adoptions Implementation Working Group
    Provide key advice to Government on services and projects to improve support for people affected by forced adoption practices.
  • Intercountry Adoption Central Authorities
    The department performs the duties of the Australian Central Authority under the Hague Convention. There is also a central authority for each state and territory. Responsibility for intercountry adoption is shared across these central authorities.
  • National Autism Strategy Oversight Council
    The National Autism Strategy Oversight Council will guide the development of the Strategy. The Oversight Council includes an autistic co-chair and a majority of members from the autistic community, sector representatives, researchers with some members from relevant Australian Government departments.
  • National Coordination Group
    The National Coordination Group monitors demand for Emergency Relief, Food Relief and Financial Counselling services in response to cost of living pressures and natural disasters. The Group provides advice to Government on where additional support is most needed.
  • National Disability Data Asset Disability Advisory Council
    • An expert Disability Advisory Council guided the Pilot for the National Disability Data Asset.
  • National Leadership Group
    A cross-sector advisory body that supports the implementation of the Stronger Places, Stronger People initiative.
  • Partnership Priorities Committee
    Helps steer better policy and delivery outcomes by embedding partnerships and co-design. 

New, amalgamated, ceased or disbanded entities and advisory boards

Since 1 July 2022, the following new entities including advisory boards and agencies have been wound up, amalgamated, ceased, disbanded, or reconstituted as new bodies:

  • Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership - ceased in October 2022

Since 1 July 2022, the following new entities including advisory boards and agencies were created:

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