Planning for the Future: People with Disability

The booklet aims to assist families to plan future arrangements for the ongoing care of their family member with disability that is positive, sustainable, flexible and fulfils the wishes of both the person with disability and their family where possible.

The booklet includes information on:

  • Future planning - things to consider helps families to think through some of the issues to consider when planning for the future of their family member with high support needs and encourages families to take a ‘whole of life’ approach to planning.
  • Planning for the future - choosing the right option is about the options available to families when planning for the future and is written in a question and answer format to assist you to find information relevant to your needs.
  • Setting up a trust - examines how to set up a trust to provide for a family member with high support needs and contains questions and answers about trusts.
  • How to access legal and financial advice - advice on how to access legal and financial advice and includes information sheets to provide lawyers and financial advisers with information they may need to best advise you.
  • Useful contacts - information is provided on other available support services and gives some suggestions for further reading.
  • Planning templates - a care plan checklist for you to complete with your family, and an information pro forma to complete and provide to your lawyer.

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